Thursday, January 06, 2005

I hate linguists

I hate linguists.

1. They are weird.

2. They are nerds.

3. They talk about language ALL THE TIME.
-Whatever we began with, they end up talking about language.

4. They speak a language other than English unlike other AMERICANS.
-I saw somebody who takes foreign languages as a hobby. He insists he can speak five languages. What are you gonna be? A translator?

5. When other normal people go on vacation, they go some place where I can never imagine to be and dig language.

6. They are REALLY weird.
-One grad student is working on radio communication of paragliders, and one professor is working on laughter.

7. They tell me I am a linguist too. DARN!


Blogger K-Oh said...

I miss you, Carlos. Come back soon. The Lab feels empty without you.

11:20 PM  

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