Monday, February 20, 2006

Thanks for being interested in my blog

Hmm, I didn't know that so many people are reading my blog.

I'm also flattered my blog invoked some people made their own blog.

After I stopped posting, I was asked a number of times why I didn't post any more.

Well, I Hate X was a way of releasing my stressful life as a linguist, but I'm not a linguist anymore, and frankly, it still hurts me that I'm no longer a linguist.

I haven't decided if I'll keep writing here. This does remind me of things that I couldn't keep.

I just want to say thank you for your interest, and for the people who got their own blog for the same purpose, keep writing. It surely helps you figure out things.

p.s. I found a very good bar. Cheap drink, great music, and intriguing people. I feel home there.