Saturday, December 03, 2005

Found my sock

I've just found my sock that I thought I lost a couple of weeks ago. It was hidden inside of duvet. The duvet is white and so is the sock. No wonder I couldn't find it.

I know it's kinda weird that I'm obsessed with lost socks. I thought if I stopped buying expensive socks and got cheap shit at Costco, my obsession would go away. No. I still have it. If you keep losing a sock whenever you do laundry, you'll understand. I check if I have all pairs of socks before I do laundry. I check if there's any sock stick inside of a washer and a dryer. But I still lose a sock. I retrace everywhere, but I cannot find it. This was one of those socks that I lost like that.

I know You-Jin. You advised me to fold my laundry right after I take them out of a dryer, but I just don't like folding my laundry there.

Well, I'm happy that I found my sock before I threw the other sock. Only small things make you happy. Only a little things like this...


Blogger K-Oh said...

Life is unfair. How come I lose socks when you never lose one?

11:17 PM  
Blogger K-Oh said...

It's a sock-eating monster.

2:59 PM  

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