Saturday, December 03, 2005

Green mansions

I read the fascinating story once when I was 7. Thanks to my poor memory, I forgot the title.

I took a glimpse of the last scene of this movie, which seemed very similar to the story, 10 years later. All I got to know from the scene was that the actress was Audrey Hapben. Thank god, she was famous enough for me to remember.

I checked her filmgraphy a couple of times but couldn't find it.

Guess what? I've just found it. It's Green Mansions by W.H. Hudson (1904). I can't believe it took me 26 years to find one story.

Believe it or not, I've found quite a few stories and movies that I once liked in any possible way no matter how long it takes. The others, of course, didn't take 26 years.

I'm getting closer. I only need to find two more films. One was about a boy who becomes an apprentice of this crazy old man. Later he sets off a trip to find a bald eagle, which the old man spotted once. I didn't see the beginning and the ending. The title was translated as "The Sun which lost its light."

The second one was about a man keeps coming across with this girl. The girl is supposed to be dead, but for some reason she appears to him several times as a girl in different age. He gets to learn that she drowned by the lighthouse a long time ago waiting for her love. He comes there to save her since he falls in love with her. Yet, he has to let go of her hand to save his life watching her drowning again.

Any idea? I really want to find them.


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