I hate it when I fall behind of my schedule.
Ok, reading and wrting a paper for LING 258A-4hrs, data analysis for phonology-2hrs, WEAL meeting 2hrs, Colloquium-2hrs, research assistant work-2hrs, my research data analysis-1hr, going to a bank and run other errands-2hrs... 15hrs? hmm... I don't have 15hrs today... so erase my data analysis, and running errands.. 12 hrs? hmmm... what time is it? almost 12? then I go to bed like midnight? Wait a minute! How can I find time to eat, go to bathroom, and etc? This is unrealistic! Why did I take a nap yesterday? Why did I check my e-mail and replied some of them this morning? Why am I writing this? F*ck!
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