Monday, June 06, 2005

I Dated X

It turns out that my date's twins are actually not mine, and I don't get the custody of them either.

I lost my wife and affair at the same time. Damn it... I was so close officializing my affair...

Well, honesty is the best virtue in my dating book, and it didn't work for him. My heart is broken. Big time.

I'm so considering making my second blog called 'I Dated X' following others' advice. Maybe I should give up on an idea of a long term relationship. I should just keep dating writing "I dated x" huh?


Blogger K-Oh said...

Hey you should date me I'm all you ever want! I'm fun, intelligent, thoughtful, communicative, self-determined, fond of art, literature, theater, music, independent, drama free, and most of all I'm not jerk!

Bummer... I'm woman.

I agree that men in SB suck regardless age, nationality, and race. I should probably get one from outside. Let's go fishing to the bigger water.

1:44 PM  
Blogger K-Oh said...

Actually, Carlos and I've just agreed that we should date women from now on. He'll be straight, and I'll be gay.

Trust me. I know how to make my woman happy.

Where is a hot chick?

10:30 PM  
Blogger K-Oh said...

Begin where you normally begin with guys. You'll ended up being in a hole wherever it is. You know what I mean.

9:34 AM  

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