Things about Kira
-I was gonna say Things I Hate about Kira, but she's just burnt a 12 love songs CD for me, so....
Kira, I love the songs! Especially "Over the Rainbow." Now all I need is a man who I can listen to the song with.
-BTW, we poor grad students always enjoy illegal copies, and especially we Koreans or Chinese do NOT give a damn about copy rights.
1. She's crazy about Star Wars.
-Beside linguistics, Star Wars is her passion. We were supposed to pick out one or two intonation contour. Her example begins with "Now, Star Wars is worthy to buy..."
2. She cannot drive sticks.
-Hm.... she CAN drive.. but not on hills... so basically she cannot go to downtown yet. When did you get the car, Kira?
3. I cannot understand what she says.
-She mumbles not considering me. Now I would call it discrimination against nonnative speakers of English.
4. We can never meet.
-When I call her, she's not available. When she calls, I'm never available. When I go out with other "hip" linguists, she's never there.
5. She rides her bike to school from Turnpike.
-Did I tell you that I can't even make it to South Hall? I leave mine by the Rec Cen.
6. She's always tired.
-What are you doing at night?
7. She never changes her hairstyle.
-Look at Jen. After she got her haircut, she looks darn cute. I don't mean you need to get a haircut. A little change would be nice.
8. She likes cats.
-Do they like you too?
9. She's a linguist.
-It doesn't take her a long time to talk about linguistics whatever the topic is, whenever...
10. I can't read her handwriting.
-Your handwriting is as illegible as mine.