Thursday, February 17, 2005

I Hate Theories

Why do scholars always cite sources? Are they not confident enough that they're writing the right stuff? Do they want to show that they are not manipulating the fact by showing that their paper is actually based on other "well known" scholars' argument? Or do they simply know there is nothing new out there?

Whatever the reason is I hate citing sources. Why can I not write whatever I think it is right based on data? I'm NOT studying medicine. My paper doesn't have to be so accurate. If there are people who have problems with my paper, criticize it, and I can argue them back.

I wanna be known for my originality instead of a cleaver scholar who cites important sources well and develop her idea from there.

What? Am I too much idealistic? Duh! I AM an idealist!


Blogger K-Oh said...

HA! Why does your comment not surprise me? You always stick to principles, and well... I beg you different. I'm rebellious in nature. Now, why do I have to give a damn about what others say?

9:00 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

Because it's tradition - and people whose work you may be alluding to but aren't actually citing can rip you to shreds!!

9:40 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

One more thing, as one of my high school teachers always said in his class: "Give credit where credit is due."

9:42 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

Another thing just came to mind: Let's say you've formed a completely new theory (one that holds a bit of water, of course). Wouldn't you want people to cite your work?

9:31 PM  

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