Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I Hate Shopping

Gotta buy hair rinse. Need to have smooth hair. Should've asked my roommate when she went to grocery shopping for me.... Where is my shopping hudsband? Ed, can you get me some? Buy a big one this time so that I don't have to buy another one soon. Thanx, hun.


Blogger Ed said...

You can have one of my Garnier Fructus shampoo/conditioner combos ;)...

3:54 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

You gotta go shopping at the farmers market - get to know the merchandise, the person who's selling it, and your fellow shoppers. You might change your mind (at least for shopping in farmers markets)... :)

11:35 PM  
Blogger K-Oh said...

I'll. I sure will. After final, I'll clean entire house, bleach all white clothes, go to the farmers market, get a haircut, have my car fixed, etc.

I need time. I'm freaking out here.

Can you help me my phonology HW? Tomorrow's due day, and I haven't begun. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

9:20 AM  

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