Friday, April 08, 2005

My Roommate uses me!

OK, I admit it. I got my bachelor degree by cheating.

Here is the deal.

I registered French class in the first year-second language other than English is mandatory in Korea. I didn't go to class for several months but finally went to class to take a final. It was NOT French class. It was German-I put the wrong code. What did I know about German? I failed the class.

In my senior year, my advisor told me that I had to retake the German class in order to graduate. I registered German. Then again, what do I know about German? I went to take a final again but couldn't write anything on the test. The Professor came to me and asked why I wasn't writing anything, so I said I didn't know anything. He looked at me and slapped a guy's head sitting in front of me. 'What are you doing? Do you want to see your senior not graduating? Pass your sheet.' I copied his answers and got B.

Jessica went to a TA meeting yesterday and told my story. She won the best prize.

GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAT! She used my ridiculous past to get the prize!


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