Sunday, April 24, 2005


A toga party was fun, but talking on the phone early in the Sunday morning after the party could be really tiring. Should've turned off the phone.

Couldn't finish revising my paper, transcribing data.... don't feel like it. Wanna have a big dinner and watch a nice movie. Then go to sleep... How about that?

Still debating something... Will I do it or not? I don't have a problem with making decisions, but it's very hard for me to make a decision this time. Should I play low and see how it goes or should I take a charge of it?

Damn... should've slept, so I can think clearly...

I miss Korean food... I wanna go to White Swan in Oxnard... am having craving for Korean dishes...

F*ck... I'm stressed out! Let's straight myself up from Monday. Being lazy for a week is enough. Enough of grieving.


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