Friday, April 29, 2005

God Bless My Womb

I've just found a poem that I wrote in 1999. I knew Lakoff back then. After all, I was already interested in language and gender at the time. How come I forgot all about this...

God, Bless My Womb
-Women Talk Differently from Men

Lakoff once said
Women have a different language from men.
I became “bilingual” to succeed
In this male-dominated world.

But think about it.
Will I really be certain
If I am using the right “language”
To the right person n the right place ?

"Difference shouldn’t be deficiency
For speech is different from language. "
What the hell are they talking about?
I’ll talk like a woman, walk like a woman,
Live like a woman, and sing for my womb.
So please God, bless my womb
And let me keep my own language.


Blogger Ed said...

Amen to that, sista!

5:04 PM  

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